Saturday, September 17, 2011

Red Rocks and Downtown Denver

Mike, Jaimee, Aralyn, Scott and I all spent the day together.

We headed to Red Rocks which is a hiking area and outdoor concert amphitheater built into massive red rock boulders. It is a very cool venue that is open to the public when events are not booked. It's a great people watching place because many of the people are running steps or the rows of the theatre. It was fun!

We then headed to downtown Denver. The first stop was the flagship REI store. It was huge and awesome. I'm stoked because I finally got a new pair of hiking boots!

We then headed to the 16th St Mall. One of the first things Scott mentioned about downtown was that it seemed very clean. The mall is a huge area that is pedestrian friendly with shopping, restaurants and bars. The only vehicles in the mall area are the buses that are free. They are electric busses and run from one end of the mall to the other. It's a popular place during the week for people who work downtown to get a bite to eat and popular all of the time with tourists. It was definitely a cool area.

We had a lazy evening last night with Scott and me hitting the sack early. 

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