Monday, September 19, 2011

Colorado Springs

Thank you again Mike and Jaimee for letting us crash with you guys.

We woke up today knowing that we would be leaving Denver but didn't really have a plan. We left the house around 10am and headed to breakfast, Starbucks (to post the previous four days and update pictures on the blog) and the grocery store. While we were at Starbucks we received an email that we had to sign all of the closing documents on our house. Well that entailed printing them, finding a notary, and then next day shipping. Thankfully, we hadn't left Denver yet so we called Mike to see if we could go back to the house to print the documents. We then went to Wells Fargo for the notary and then went next door to UPS. It was now 3pm and we were finally on our way!

A little north of Colorado Springs things started looking up. The mountains seemed a lot closer and there were pines trees all around us. We were happy and wishing that Denver had been similar. We decided that it wouldn't hurt to take a quick drive through town to see what we thought. I think if it were up to Scott we would be staying. Colorado Springs seems to be Scott's number one place so far...let the compromising begin! We spent the afternoon driving around town and into the mountains southwest of the city. We were both very impressed with what we saw. We're going to plan on spending a couple nights here.

So we thought we would do the usual KOA and when we drove up to it we were not impressed. It looked like we would be camping on gravel, not fun. So, we spent the next hour driving around to different campgrounds...unfortunately most of them were mainly for RVs. Thankfully, my phone has a cool app and we found a nice little campground in the mountains in a cool town called Cascade. Now, I could see us living here! Tree covered mountains surrounding us and a quick 20 minutes drive into town. It is beautiful here. We also saw a red fox, he was so cool and really close.

Tomorrow we plan on doing a nice little hike and checking out Colorado Springs and the surrounding towns more.

It's supposed to get down into the mid-40's tonight. Hopefully staying the last week at Mike and Jaimee's hasn't made me soft so that I freeze all night. It will be sweats, long sleeves, and wool socks for me.

I think we've found another potential place to live! Yay!

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